Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year Blessings!

As a new year approaches, I love to look back and recall the blessings of the previous year to welcome the next year with a grateful heart. So here is my summary of some of the many blessings 2019 brought as I look ahead to 2020: Counting Blessings Toward a Happy New Year!

May 2020 be filled with purpose, meaning, and joy as we all let go of the past, learn from its many lessons, and embrace the new.

Have a blessed and healthy New Year!

Dr. Mari

Friday, December 20, 2019

Helping Patients with Dementia: Crocheting for a Cause

Katherine Gantz Pannel, DO
Many patients with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia develop anxiety, which can present as mental wandering and significant restless fidgeting. My thoughtful friend and colleague, Dr. Katherine Gantz Pannel, wanted to do something about it and came up with Crocheting for a Cause. You may read about this heartwarming project and learn how to get involved (or donate supplies) HERE!

 I wish you all a meaningful and blessed Christmas!

Dr. Mari

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bouncing Back to the Midwest: From Surviving to Thriving

This week, I was blessed to travel to Minnesota to present the closing keynote at a physician wellness conference. It was special to return to the Midwest, having moved south from Wisconsin nearly 13 years ago! I spent precious time with old friends and made new ones. I attended sessions that both inspired and challenged us. It was a meaningful time to refuel, restore the heart and soul, and connect with people who care as much as I do about the central patient-physician relationship.

You may read more about my experience HERE, which includes a photo of the little Olaf my colleagues and I got to create. He may not be baby Yoda, but he's pretty cute!


Dr. Mari

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