It all began when Maryann's life-long friend, Vicki, a second-grade teacher in Tennessee, was diagnosed with breast cancer. When they couldn't find a book to help Vicki explain her diagnosis to her "ducklings," Maryann decided to write the book herself. That was some twenty months ago and, since then, several titles have followed, including When Your Teacher Has Cancer, When Your Mom Has Cancer, and When Your Mom's Cancer Doesn't Go Away. I am blessed and honored to serve as copy editor and Spanish translator for this book series as well as for The Little Patriot Books (When Your Mom Goes to War and When Your Dad Goes to War), written to help families cope with deployments.
Future titles addressing other medical conditions that impact individuals and families, such as Alzheimer's disease, are on the horizon. Stay tuned for these hopeful resources to help children & families thrive, and spread the word! We can all partake in the joy of sharing HOPE!
Because Hope Matters,
Dr Mari
Find out more at Hope Matters. Share HOPE!